Identify Data Security Threats With Auditing

Most Americans have heard about the massive breaches at top retailers like Target and Home Depot, but many fail to realize how widespread this activity has become. The “Privacy Rights Clearinghouse” reports that hackers gained access to more than 816 million private records between 2005 and 2015. This is an increasingly serious problem, especially for large and midsize corporations.

An Audit Creates A Critical “To Do” List

Monthly data security audits provide an efficient way to reduce the risk of data breaches. They can detect suspicious behavior and reveal details about its origin. For instance, an audit might determine that a certain user has unnecessary permissions or frequently tries to make unauthorized changes. If you’re not sure where the system stores confidential records, an audit can determine their location.

Auditors inspect computers and databases in order to verify that sensitive material remains safe. They check settings, look at access logs and scan the system for vulnerabilities, according to “Symantec”. An audit can benefit your business by identifying effective methods to boost security. For example, auditors might suggest that you change the database passwords or tweak user permissions in certain ways. They will also confirm that a system uses adequate encryption.

Be The Exception

If your firm doesn’t conduct regular security audits, you’re not alone. Just one out of six companies check their databases every month, according to “Oracle”. Twenty-eight percent never perform security assessments. One problem is that it can take many hours to complete this stressful task; most firms spend more than a day preparing for each audit. Employees may also lack the necessary expertise.

Unfortunately, businesses may face dire consequences when they skip audits or conduct them improperly. Previously loyal customers often close their accounts when they learn about a major data breach. Clients or employees might even take legal action if a company mishandles their private information. TechTarget warns that a poorly planned audit could also harm your firm by causing technical problems that disrupt business activities.

Consider Another Approach

What if there were a way to avoid these risks without the stress and expense of hiring more information technology workers? External auditors perform security assessments more efficiently because they already have the appropriate training and software. These specialists can take a fresh look at your system and identify flaws that you might have overlooked. They’re also more likely to detect or discourage rogue employees.

When was the last time you performed a security audit for your company? Are you confident in your data security strategy? If data security is a concern, consider hiring data security professionals with extensive training and experience with IT environments to perform an audit for your company.
“ContinuServe” performs thorough assessments that help companies enhance their data security and avoid costly breaches. Our skilled auditors know how to fortify databases and stop confidential information from falling into the wrong hands. ContinuServe is an Oracle Platinum Partner with a team of security experts versed in the best and latest security practices. To learn more about our security practice, “contact us” today.

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